Merci aux traducteurs du Réseau LEO pour leur précieux travail de traduction.
Notebook 1 – Is it still time to save the earth ?
Notebook 2.1 – What do we mean by "illusion" ?
Notebook 2.2 – The nature of the illusion and the perception of the earth’s different realities...
Notebook 3.1 – Service to Self, Service to the Other and their rapport with money
Notebook 3.2 – Do not confuse the Service to Self and the Service to the Other with the notion of good and evil
Notebook 3.3 – The Service to Self and the Service to the Other in the 4th density
Notebook 4 – Dietary changes, locomotive in the epigenetic process !
Notebook 5 – Notebook 5 – Alternative money’s, a premeditated design of trans-dimensional STS entities ?
Notebook 6 – The teachings of ECK: The role of the DNA and water in trans-dimensional incursions and communications.
Notebook 23 – The Angel by the In-I
Notebook 24 – Through giving, emerges the gift & Question of circumstance
Notebook 27 – Aryan zionism : a programming for the End of Time & The genetics of renewal or the 4th density’s ethical genes’ era & The Palestinian cause will prompt zionism’s destruction
Chronicle 1 : The most mortal of all pandemics : fear ! &The last gorgon's combat
Chronicle 2 : A new viral pandemic to the Service of Others ? & The worlds’ separation, a difficult but tremendous experience
Chronicle 3 : Prisoners of walls, prisoners of the past ?
Chronicle 4 : Morphogenesis and morphogenetic of the worlds of after
Chronicle 5 : There blows a wind to dehorn the horned-ones and it does not smell good !
Chronicle 6 : Reality : an illusion to which we all ended to believe in & Psychic energy : an essential component of gravitation
Chronicle 7 : An alien invasion : the next step of the plan?
Chronicle 8 : Faith, key of the dimensional portals’ opening & “Quantum” changes and symptoms
Chronicle 9 : Has the last Apocalypse’s trumpet finally rang the end of the ancient world ?
Chronicle 10 : You are the Cassiopaeans, we are the LEOs ! This is the time to greet each other !
Chronicle 11 : The soul is always reborn, but never dies !
& The quantum properties of the soul
Chronicle 12 : The imaginary or the era of image
& The holographic power of visualisation and intention
Chronicle 13 : The voices of primitive wisdom and their teachings for the new world
& The extraordinary powers of cometary viruses and menstrual stem cells
Chronicle 14 : Revelations of godmother “Queen mother”
& The world of the Service to Others after the harvest and a few important reminders
Chronicle 15 : Programmed by the predatory Spirits and dissociated towards the Service to Self & Empirical narcissism and hyper-empathic empath
Chronicle 16 : UFO declassification, yet another crock !
Chronicle 17 : Everything that ever was, is and will be, will be new & 0-1-1-2-3-5-8-13-21...
Chronicle 18 : Nemesis, the end of the Empire or the path of grace ?
Chronicle 19 : D’Ankhiar: of “Ashes” and dust
& The ministry of the travelers of the Wave and small reminders drawn from the Cassiopaean transcripts
Chronicle 20 : Interpenetrations of realities & schizophrenic dissociations
Chronicle 21 : The Pleiadian, Cassiopaean and Leonine networks: their unified messages for humanity
& Allo Papa Tango Charlie, please respond, we are searching for you!
Chronicle 22 : All these wars... and after?
& Towards the new era of information
Chronicle 23 : The invaders: has the final wave landed through Ukraine? & When true information will transform the world!
Chronicle 24 : On the other side of our dreams: matter!
Chronicle 25 : UFO: A time travel technology
or the limit of human consciousness
Chronicle 26 : The trauma of the origins
& The world of the three
Chronicle 27 : Hyperdimensional influences in human personality & Autism, dissociation and psychic revenants
Chronicle 28 : Let’s get prepared for the final journey!
& The extraterrestrial disclosure, hidden truths and hypocrisies?
Chronicle 29 : The planetary assassination: one good purpose? & The genesis of renewal through the process of fusion with the Spirit